More Goodreads reviews have been coming in and they're all decent, if not excellent! 

I'm no stranger to getting reviewed by people I don't know but this IS the first time it's due to work that is singularly mine, rather than being one of many stories in an anthology. It's nice! 

I know my work isn't for everyone, because that's not the point, but it is me firing on all cylinders so I'm really happy that the ARC readers I've had so far have connected with the novel, or at least can appreciate certain unusual aspects of it (like how it switches between US and UK English). 

In other news, the first batch of Amazon proofs arrived recently! I'm a bit cheesed the front cover printed weird (the white marks at the top should be along the edge, not down a few centimeters) as it looked fine in the KDP previewer. From what I've heard from other self-published authors, this kind of thing isn't too uncommon, either. So, that will need to be fixed for the next batch of five, which will also have a glossy cover since that makes the colours much richer (these have matte covers, as a test). 

In any case, the interior looks amazing and I can start posting these out to ARC readers who requested a print copy sooooooon! I was also hoping to send some to reviewers on social media but I'm not sure my budget will cover this, or at lest not in time so that they get a copy before this technically goes live. Let's see. 

Lastly, if you would like a free ARC ebook, I have ~12 spots left and they are, thankfully, filling up! Click THIS LINK and you can get your grubby mitts on one.


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